Here are a few words to introduce the methodology of this Manifesto, in which a health-related proposal is dedicated to our late colleague Véronique Trillet-Lenoir, an eminent doctor and respected politician who passed away on 9 August 2023.
We wanted this Manifesto to be as informative as possible so that readers could use our ideas according to their areas of interest and, by turning the pages, get to know us better and understand our philosophy.
But before we go any further, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all our colleagues, working groups and member parties for their commitment and dedication to this initiative. Without their valuable input, this process would not have been possible.
So, how did we come up with this manifesto?
Which outlines and illustrates the principles and values of our party
Detail the concrete measures to be taken.
As you can see, all the proposed actions (right-hand page) start with an action verb to instil the idea in the reader’s mind that we are on the move and have the will to move forward.
How did we come up with 300 priority proposals?
Following a meticulous review of all the work, we have drawn up 4 chapters:
300 may seem a daunting number, but we have developed a rigorous process to achieve this result, structure our message, and ensure that everyone uses the same language.
Under the leadership of one or more elected officials, each working group conducted an in-depth analysis of the problems and opportunities specific to its field and formulated concrete proposals to solve them.
Konvergens og styrkelse
Global renæssance
Harmoni i flertal
Levende regioner
21 key themes were identified
Demokrati og regeringsførelse
Global Power Europe
Consolidation and Autonomy
Funding Common Public
Cohesion and Equity
Diversity and Inclusion
Reform af eurozonen
Migration Flows
and Blue Leadership
Enhanced Healthcare
Food Sovereignty
Digital Revolution
450 Million Consumers
Equitable Growth
The Future of Youth
Quality Education
for All
Cultural Wealth and Diversity
and Pluralism
Sport and Ethics
Regional Progress and
Thriving Outermost Regions
These categories enabled us to sort and group all the proposals, considering their relevance, feasibility and impact. Duplicates and similar proposals have been identified and grouped under the most appropriate themes. We then ran them through a prioritisation process, which resulted in 300 being selected.