macro photography of green leaf

The green transition offers an unprecedented development opportunity for the outermost regions, and we are convinced that they have immense potential to become innovation hubs.

We believe it is essential to develop a strong entrepreneurial dynamic by encouraging the creation of companies, supporting local entrepreneurs and promoting innovation. For example, in Mayotte, where the unemployment rate is as high as 30%, one of the highest in Europe, we want the region to be on a course of endogenous development and do everything we can to stimulate the economy.

In addition, we will invest in local production to develop agricultural practices that respect the environment. The outermost regions will thus strengthen their food security and reduce their dependence on imports.

Tourism is, of course, an essential sector for the outermost regions. We will support its development with, once again, innovative, sustainable and durable investments.

We are committed to supporting the economic development of the outermost regions by maximising the impact of European funds and programmes while meeting the specific needs of each region.

We want to strengthen the economies of the outermost regions and improve the quality of life of their inhabitants. To achieve this, we propose simplifying administrative procedures, strengthening the managing authorities’ skills, and promoting better coordination between the various players involved. In addition, we will put forward measures to make European citizenship a reality by strengthening education and encouraging regional integration.

Because the future of the European Union lies with its young people, we will be mustering all available resources to promote training, mobility and, therefore, the emancipation of the outermost regions. By applying the European strategy to combat brain drain, these young people will be ready to take on future challenges and play their part in the development of the outermost regions. Of course, to promote connectivity and digital development, we will support constructing a high-speed internet network.

Lastly, we will propose solutions for fair representation of the outermost regions within the Committee of the Regions to ensure that their interests and concerns are fully considered in European decision-making.

Priority Actions


  • Develop the entrepreneurial dynamic in the outermost regions by mobilising the available European funds and programmes, particularly the European Social Fund (ESF+)
  • Achieve autonomy in terms of food self-sufficiency
  • Set up social free-trade zones throughout the outermost regions to boost purchasing power, combat unemployment, encourage recruitment and develop skills.
  • Regulate air transport with agreements on intra-Community airport taxes for European carriers to reduce consumer fares and strengthen European territorial continuity with direct links to other European countries.
  • Raise awareness of and develop schemes that provide funding for young Europeans to set up new businesses in specific areas of local development.
  • Establish more flexible state aid schemes for outermost regions, particularly in the agricultural and territorial continuity and energy transition sectors.
  • Develop tourism with innovative, sustainable and durable investments to support the sustainable development of this strategic sector for the outermost regions.



  • Turn outermost regions into climate solutions testing grounds, drawing on their expertise in dealing with climate change, their rich biodiversity and their resources.
  • Create an Energy Performance Diagnostic adapted to outermost regions and develop renewable energy solutions adapted to each outermost region (solar, geothermal, biomass, tidal power, wind, etc.).
  • Protect research using soil species with patents. The species are endemic, and the patents will generate local financial benefits, attracting new investments and giving European laboratories priority access to their patents.
  • Take outermost regions into account when implementing the European Union Solidarity Fund to fund risk prevention measures in the face of natural disasters and promote the exchange of knowledge between outermost regions and their regional neighbours.
  • Raise awareness of the “EU Cities” mission to promote collaboration, through the exchange of good practices and twinning, between the cities of the outermost regions to develop the “Smart Cities” network by 2033.
  • Promote education programmes on the European Union’s green skills to raise awareness of the value and impact of sustainable choices for the economic development of the regions.
  • GE-EU (Border Regency Initiative for Development and Growth in Europe) programme and promote macro-regions.
  • Encourage the exchange of local good practices at the European Union level, provide concrete evidence to European Union decision-makers, and use artificial intelligence to facilitate access to European funds.
  • Support the development of the European Committee of the Regions’ “EU Councillors” network, which can help strengthen the connection between the Union and its citizens.

Priority Actions


  • Ensure the full use of European funds, strengthen the relationship between project leaders and fund managers and simplify the procedures for European funds and programmes, which is detrimental to their proper implementation.
  • Make every effort to train the competent people in the managing authorities of the outermost regions.
  • Launch twinning programmes between administrations, particularly those responsible for European funds, and develop the mobility of civil servants and citizens to raise awareness of the EU.
  • Launch twinning programmes on EU administration, policy development and the management of European funds.



  • Deploy European Commission liaison offices and ‘Maisons de l’Europe’ in the outermost regions to create points of exchange and contact on location.
  • Develop twinning to promote mobility and raise awareness of the EU.
  • Introduce a European identity card and passport; freedom of movement of funds (with safeguards, of course) and facilities for living and working in Europe.



  • Maintain the level of investment in school infrastructure, building and renovating schools, improving reception conditions for pupils, putting an end to school rotation in primary education, and welcoming all children of school age by strengthening facilities for physical education.
  • Encourage the development of high-quality teaching and educational projects with the support of Erasmus+.
  • Create a European University of the Caribbean to raise Europe’s profile in the French Antilles and French Guiana and encourage the emergence of a centre of excellence for research, particularly into the effects of climate change, the preservation of biodiversity, such as the mangroves, and the fight against sargassum.
  • Develop a genuine language policy by promoting multilingualism from primary school onwards through language exchanges in each regional area and towards Europe.



  • Develop the ultra-high-speed internet network, renew submarine cables and deploy satellites.
  • Define an action plan to offer a high-quality network connection for all by imposing a maximum price.